Passive Aggressive Husband

Get more appreciation on Valentine’s Day

  Valentine’s Day invites us to ask: How is our relationship doing?  Is there any spark left? Is it the sanctuary against life’s storms we dream it to be? Can we safely express positive emotions to each other? Regardless of the testing and evaluative questions we ask ourselves, remember that there are some deep wishes […]

Can you do Fair Fighting to Save Your Love?

Do you know about fair fighting to save your love? ll your life you’ve been trying to make this relationship work. We all know that even good-intentioned efforts can fail when you try to live with other people in love and harmony all the time, and it’s natural to assume that differences will bring some […]

Having a healthy relationship with yourself!

  How to develop a healthy relationship with yourself Yes, we hear you…how can you be in the mood to celebrate your other people, if you feel like in the middle of this constant emotional desert? After so many abusive expressions and demeaning “jokes” you feel like there is no self-love in you! If you […]